“Managing LEADER is not an extra economic cost but an investment in the regions” – interview with Eduardo Serrano Padial, Evaluator of the Unit A3 “Policy Performance” of the DG AGRI of the European Commission

“Managing LEADER is not an extra economic cost but an investment in the regions”  – interview with Eduardo Serrano Padial, Evaluator of the Unit A3 “Policy Performance” of the DG AGRI of the  European Commission

The Spanish Rural Development Network (Red Española de Desarrollo Rural) has spoken with Eduardo Serrano Padial, Evaluator of Unit A3 “Policy Performance” of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG Agri) of the European Commission, for his opinion on the report « Study to support the assessment of the costs and benefits of the implementation of LEADER » published by DG DR of the European Commission,  and other matters particularly related to the LEADER evaluation.

After mentioning that they « have found benefits in terms of time for beneficiaries, thanks to LAG support, which could not be possible without those costs » when he talks about the outcomes of this evaluation, Eduardo Serrano Padia adds that « LEADER is not simply an extra cost, but should also be valued as an investment.

The full text availalble in Spanish and English